I believe that humans are called to live for others. I believe that connecting to God on a daily basis is part of the whole health of any human being. We are selfish creatures in my experience. Okay, fine. I'm a selfish creature. I need to connect to God to awaken me to the fact that I am not the center of the universe.

Notice how limp Adam's hand is in comparison to God's in Michelangelo's famous painting of the creation of Adam? In the Christian scriptures there is a sense that God is the constant animator of life. Paul, quoting a Greek philosopher, states that in God "we live and move and have our being." But in this, we are relatively passive.
My desire is to try to be a more equal partner with God in God's animation of my life and the working out of God's desires for the world. By "partner," I mean that I would not be working against (passively OR actively) God's purposes, but for them. By "more equal" I mean that maybe instead of a 1,000,000/1 ratio of God's work to my partnership, maybe we could reach a 1,000,000/2 ratio (which would double my personal investment). But achieving this takes "mindfulness;" a conscious attention to God's presence and a discerning of what role I might play in God's will for a situation.
I think the reason that I don't make it a priority to connect to God
some days is not a lack of time. Time is there (see below). I think it is because I don't always believe that it will matter, or make a difference for me. This means that I am seeing the connection to God as a self-serving device for my gratification or assistance, rather than the possible benefit that might be passed on to those around me if I am more connected to God. Sometimes, I neglect this connection because I am experiencing what Buddhists have called "monkey-mind." I may WANT to connect to God, but my brain won't stop grabbing at things (that I "need" to do, want to do, or am worried about).
Interestingly, the bathroom is the primary place I go to make a brief connection with God every day. It is really the
only place where my children MIGHT respect my privacy and need for quiet. It also has a fan, which creates great white noise.
The following "advice" could make me sound like a "real spiritual person" but I assure you...
Well, lets put it this way... I didn't really do any of the following this morning, and when Beth got up, she looked at me and asked: "Are you mad about something?" One nice thing about being alive is that there is always another day to get some small thing right - like in
Groundhog Day.
Before kids, I had a pretty rigorous "spiritual" regimen, that sometimes resulted in my falling asleep face-down on my Bible. These days, my connection with God usually amounts to 4 things.
In the morning:
1. Try to be aware of God's presence. This often involves willing myself to belief that God is truly everywhere, no less in my bathroom than in my favorite church or on my favorite hiking trail. It involves rejecting an impulse to look upward for God or to direct my thoughts in some direction.
2. Submit my day. I say something like: "God, take my life today to use as you will. Free me from bondage to self so that my life will show others your love, your power, and your way of life.
Give me wisdom and insight to know you, sense your presence and do your will."
3. Read something thoughtful and think about it. For me this means scripture or something related to scripture.
At night:
4. Thank God for the day and recite either the 23rd Psalm, the Lord's Prayer or something else I have committed to memory, until I fall asleep.
You could also build other connection points into your day. I'm hoping to try a few of these myself:
1. Make it a habit of connecting to God as you go in or out your door. Religious Jews often keep a text of scripture in a small box or
mezuzah, that they touch upon entering or leaving. You could buy one or create your own practice. Think to yourself "Let's go!" as a way of reminding yourself that you aren't leaving God at home. Your family members or mates might also appreciate it if you reminded yourself upon arriving at home, that God is still with you all.
Put meaningful statements on your dashboard, refrigerator or bathroom mirror.
Look for things for which to be grateful. The world would be a better place if we recognized that for many of us, it IS a better place than all our complaining would seem to indicate.
2. While you're waiting for anything. Why not just offer up your anxiety or impatience? Some people like the serenity prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
3. With friends (and maybe enemies). C.S. Lewis, keeping in mind the idea of being created in the image of God, said, "You will never meet a mere mortal." I certainly experience God through other people, whether they know it or not. When you are with other people, briefly invite God to be present also. God IS present. Inviting God is just a way of reminding
us and setting our mind to the "welcoming" position.
4. Taking a breather. Is it possible that the frenetic pace we keep is less productive than a pace that allows us to step back, breathe and say a quick prayer before we continue?
5. Twitter God. Just
whatever you might feel like saying. God can handle it. Your friends might not "get it" but who cares? It might be the most interesting twitter all day. If you don't Twitter (I don't) just write whatever you might want to say to God in reply to the most annoying spam email of the day. The point isn't to publicize, and certainly God knows what's going on with us. The point is to be
mindful of God by actively directing our thoughts to God at various points in the day.

6. On the drive home. What else are you doing? Minimally, you could say thank you for the music you are enjoying or ask for God's mercy and grace to enter whatever situation you are hearing about on the news.
I hope some of this inspires you to set the bar LOW. You don't need to start some rigorous devotional schedule. Maybe someday you'll want to (and so will I), but it is said that God says:
"When a child of mine comes to me walking, I am already running."
"The Lord knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust."
Give yourself, your loved ones and the world a gift today by trying to make some sort of connection to God.