Friday, September 11, 2009

Sensing God's Presence in Nicaragua

This is the report of one of our team leaders, who traveled to Nicaragua with Food for the Hungry:

My trip to Nicaragua was very beneficial. This was my first time out of the U.S. so I was able to get a feel for how one small part of the rest of the world is living in comparison to myself. I really felt that I am not thankful enough for the many many blessings that I have.

It was very evident that God is at work in Nicaragua.

I found that what the people lacked in physical possessions were often compensated for in their spiritual "possessions." The importance of relationships and genuine care for your neighbors stuck out to me. We visited a pottery company and the owner told us how the economy is hurting and his company is slow, but he still has some work while many of his neighbors are without. He said that he had a machine to work the clay and that machine could do the work in a matter of hours, but instead of using it, he chose to hire help, even though it took much longer. This way he was giving some community members work. This just really struck me as something that we in the U.S. do not do or usually see happening.

There is still a lot of work that can and needs to be done in Nicaragua. I believe that FH is doing a very good job working with communities to improve their lives. I feel that working in a place like this is a very tangible way of seeing God's immense love for his people. -Andrew

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